Seed Phytonutrients

Project Scope

Seed Phytonutrients is a natural, holistic skincare brand that prioritizes making recyclable and naturally found top-tier body care solutions to their audience. They came to me with a goal to alter their entire brand, moving over to aluminum bottles and a new, sleek and product-based look. I was able to produce a large array of photography for their products along with some collaborations and reinvent their social media presence.

Social Media Content


Their feed before the rebrand had their old product packaging in it and did not properly portray the target audience. Their products were more expensive and yet gave off a more playful nature feel, while their audience was older and into more high-quality looking items.


With my imagery, I built a system moving forward for more dramatic lighting and muted backgrounds with dramatic angles. I played around with how the product is interacted with and created abstract visuals with it.